Tuesday 20 November 2012

last Lesen i made my sougar cane and i also mead some housing and I'm starting to make my pun kin farm bigger.

Monday 19 November 2012

Week Shop Prices

So i thing this week the prices are really stupid and a bit too much like for e.g string for $199.99 string should be $2 and saplings can be sold for 4.95 it should be 10.00 at least.

Sunday 18 November 2012

My plan today is to make a bigger farm to make more animals so i can get more wool, milk, and plant more wheat and shouger cane.

Thursday 15 November 2012

On my island yesterday i made 2 shops, one called Bunnings, and i also made Woolworth's. I need to make it bigger so i can plant all the mellons and pumpkins. Sell my produce so i can buy some clay and some jungle tree saplings. I also need to made a hospital and some more shops.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Next time i going to make a bakery and I'm going to need like 2  300 blokes. then I'm gone need to make a hospital I'm going to get 500 blokes for that and I'm also need to make a school to teach them hoe to farm.

Monday 12 November 2012

The prices are a bit to much like the jungle tree sapling foe 500 it should be like 250 but I'm pretty happy  with all the other prices but a discount or a sale would be nice.

Sunday 11 November 2012

 for farming for wheat you need to Place a row of non-farmland blocks next to a row of wheat crops reduces the growth probability to about 24% i think and  i also need to make more food and i need to make more room for the sheep and i need to buy more cow's.